Welcome to another year! Sinai Brotherhood works hard to provide service, entertainment, interesting gatherings, and also financial support to synagogue life. We are active, engaged and fun-loving members of our Congregation. Most importantly, the Sinai Brotherhood promotes fellowship for each man in our congregation and encourages participation in Brotherhood and Sinai events.
We have a newly formed leadership team!
- Mike Weinshel - President
- Steve Stall - Treasury & Communications
- Milt Hwang - Social Events
- Gordy Goldbaum - Brotherhood Coffee & Educational Events
- Mitch Colton and Al Roth- Religious Events & Men’s Spirituality (Acheinu)
The Sinai Brotherhood supports and/or provides:
- Brotherhood Coffee speaker series for the entire congregation
- Building Sinai’s Sukkah and hosting the Sukkot BBQ
- Gifts of Mishkan Hanefesh (High Holy Day prayer book) for B’nei Mitzvah
- Gifts of the “Tanach” for Sinai’s Affirmation students
- Chanukah packages for college students
- Prizes for the Purim carnival
- Partnerships with Sinai groups and committees to promote congregational
- Programs such as the Sukkot BBQ
- Financial support to congregational events like “Sinai Concert Series”
- The Sinai School “Pancake Breakfast”
- Sunday morning Men’s Spirituality Group – Acheinu
- The Sinai Softball Team and hosts the Softball Shabbat BBQ
We offer several affordable levels of annual membership:
- Supporter--$36
- Sustainer--$72
- Leader--$180
- Lifetime--$720 (This one-time contribution entitles you to special benefits!
If you're interested in getting involved or becoming a member, please contact Mike Weinshel at mikegu@gmail.com