Dear Congregation Sinai,
Our Campaign for Tomorrow capital campaign 50% match will close at the end of 2020. Thank you to all those who have supported this critical fundraiser. Through your generosity we have raised almost $2,000,000 and Sinai’s financial future has been solidified for many more years. If you have not made a pledge to our Campaign or if you would like to increase your original pledge, please do so now. All pledges received prior to December 31, 2020 receive the 50% match, so please take advantage of the very generous match.
In addition to a cash (check) contribution, you can make donations to Sinai by transferring stock or by using your IRA distributions.
Our gratitude to our entire congregation is immeasurable. We here at Sinai wish you and your families continued health and safety as we enter the winter holiday season. We hope to see you all very soon.
Campaign for Tomorrow Co-Chairs
Larry Glusman
Marlene Lauwasser
Julie Lookatch
Tedd Lookatch
Nick Padway
Jim Phillips
Dick Seesel
Susan Stuckert
Campaign Co-chairs
Larry Glusman
Marlene Lauwasser
Julie Lookatch
Tedd Lookatch
Susan Stuckert
Campaign Cabinet
Rabbi David Cohen
Idy Goodman
Rob Hieb
Sarah Hwang
Steve Kravit
Patti Levy
John “Chip” Mann
Nick Padway
Jim Phillips
Jim Salinsky
Andy Schlesinger
Dick Seesel
Andy Tarnoff
Campaign Staff
Karen Berk
Jen Friedman