Selichot 5783 via Zoom

"Is it Possible to Forgive and Forget?"

Saturday, September 9th

8:00 PM  We will begin with Havdallah.

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Selichot literally means forgiveness and punctuates the month of Elul, the time of introspection and contemplation designed to help focus us as we prepare for the High Holy Days. 

This year, we will hold a panel discussion about the challenges of forgiving, an appropriate High Holy Day topic. It’s one thing to ask forgiveness; it’s another to be in the position of having to respond to that request. 

We will have mental health professionals to discuss their sense of the dynamics of what it takes to genuinely forgive others, what is risked when we choose not to forgive those who have hurt us, and when withholding forgiveness is the right thing to do. 

We will begin the evening with Havdalah, followed by the panel discussion and then a Selichot service which includes prayers and music to inspire self-examination, confession, pardon and renewal.